Martyn Dean

Creative: Director/Leader/Designer/Strategist/Solutionist

Martyn Dean

Allstate: new product DRTV launch

An accident can happen to anyone. With 3 pioneering new products giving drivers an unparalleled choice, Allstate needed to effectively spread the word. Based on the true insight that there’s questions you ask when it happens, and one you don’t want to ask yourself. An accident was filmed from three different drivers perspectives dramatically demonstrating the value of good insurance and tied to the benefits of the three new Allstate insurance products. The film was used as a DRTV spot, digital marketing and in a responsive video banner where you could select which story (and product offering) to follow within it. I was co-creator, art director and creative director.

  • For Ogilvy

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Bayer FiberMax Cottonseed: Integrated